Where Fault Lies II - No Double Track, Citizens Against Double Track, Northridge Citizens For Environmental Justice

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Where Fault Lies II

There is no fault that is a good fault. The earthquake variety is not always active.  Nevertheless, it can be catastrophic.

Unfortunately, human faults are much more plentiful.  Worse, they actually cause far more damage than the land shaking kind.

In the case of Metro’s proposed Double Track Project, human arrogance, corruption, as well as human error and human cowardice are just some of the many very human faults behind the entire process of approval for the Project. Those of us against the Double Track project feel strongly that the early steps of authorization for the project have been foundationally dishonest from the beginning.

To rely on the Categorical Exclusion Document, which is tainted with multiple false claims and astonishingly misleading information as the basis for cheating our community out of normal public protections such as full Environmental Impact Reports and Environmental Impact Studies is particularly insidious and unacceptable.

In July of 2015, members of the Citizens Against Double Track Steering Committee assembled a list of questions for Metro to answer. With the help of Nicole Englund from Supervisor Sheila Kuehl's office, the list was forwarded to Metro's executive Don Sepulveda and he returned the following answers to Nicole, which she then passed on to our committee.

Sepulveda's answers range from rambling, condescending and muddled to diversionary and even insulting.

We are including a PDF LINK and also preview below so that the reader can judge the applicability, the caliber and the sincerity of Metro's answers to our committee for him or herself.
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